3 rd days of celebrate mooncake festival at Renaissance hotel
last sunday we all went to this hotel have a dinner with Taiwan Assoication~~actually , joine this dinner is very bored bcs we only eat few foods n listen taiwaness sing the song or listen their LONG speech !! n during the dinner time, my father keep-on to advice me "be as a girl" n dont shout , dont talk lound, smile always, sit properly!!....but i cnat TAHAN !! i think that day i was to make a lot noicy sounds (ai...) luckly, that is nt much ppl look at me !! hahahah....
boring +boring = the old generation taiwaness was keep-on to sing their old old geli song. But at least, this time the current leader said that will training the few new generation to lead taiwan accoication !! i am really happy to hearded about it, bcs they can sing "famous"song ady!! n amlost new generation r come out new ideas when they charge some functions~~NOT OLD ANYMORE!! most important is " the new generation give short and clear speech"!!
this is dessert, too sweent but nice!!
aunlce, me , aunty
i asked my auncle to give a special post...so cute!!
yea~~taiwan BOLEH!!
during dinner time, the leader asked all of us to shouted "taiwan boleh"
hehe...so funny!!
i was drinking "GUINNESS"
the taste nt ba actually ~~
muah muah muah~boring time part 1
hey hey~boring time part 2
boring time ~
my sis n me !!
boring time part 3
why my face looks so white?! maybe is the light ~
boring time part 4...
someone still give long speech..almost taiwaness nt listen to him ~
me n my aunty, she felt boring also~~
boring time part 5
can u see that a lot of flag behind of me?!
we r so C.U.T.E~
2nd celebrate mooncake festival with my "jiu jiu" family
last saturday we all went to my jiu jiu's factory for BBQ, my ah ma has invited many people, such as whole company's member and all of us + some of my younger's aunty worker...the started time from 7 pm...then i saw my jiu jiu started to yum sing with his worker, n he cant drink much!! he is weak for alchole!!
this pic was taken by near the finsihing time
he is only care whether we can taken nice photo o nt
nt as my father, didnt realised we r talking photo to him
this is my younger jiu jiu was singing the song , u see!! he was so enjoy~~
me n my oldest aunty
" si ba po "was playing "den lon", so geli man !!
Q: "am i cute??" A: "nt really".....haahha
my geli jiu ma is acted cute and wanan to take photo with me , but I DONT WANT!!
these three is my younger cousin, they quite busy during the BBQ time
hey~happy hours~
pretty?! iz these three r girls ? they are so famous when my jiu jiu's worker (girls) see them!!
WE were BUSY BODY!! me, ah ma, aunty were talking which girls is more pretty!!haha~~
me and sami (actually, he is buys to eat but i forced him to take photo with me)
me and my younger sis (see her face !! she was very full ady)
yea~~i like the !!
can u see my "den lon" is HELLO KITTY pattern!!
my father and my oldest aunty enjoy the song that they sing !!
me n my younger jiu jiu, he looks more older bcs he refused to cut the hair!!
pa la pa la pa~~
busy busy!! dont take photo!! help, faster!!
i like this tree, pink pink "den lon"~~
hey, wait!! i havent get ready ~~
iz the BBQ looks more nicer than our face?!
er...jiu ma, i know u love me so much !! but nt need to huged me until like that la~~
can u see that?! that is "fish ball" above of my head !!
my jiu jiu, me and my sis!! he pattern is funny, rite?!
but actually my jiu jiu is very handsome when he is young!!
BBQ BBQ~~can u believe?! these all BBQ foods r all vegi one !!
prepared by my ah ma !!
most beautiful pic is cant see my face clear ~
my father still nt realised me n my sis was taking the phtot with him !!
B4 the BBQ, me and my all young cousins were playing Ps2~!
i like it~!
1 st day celebrate mooncake festival with my older auncle n aunty n my family ~~
mixed foods~~
this is fish!!i like it very much , the pattern looks good !! taste also nt bad o..

support him forever~~
he is a good pliceman in "the brave one "
b4 the movie >>> i dont like him at all !! (bcs i got discrimination)
after watch movie>>> i like him very much, bcs he has a good heart in the movie n he is a good actor !!
if our world can follow "the brave one" content, i will be very happy about it
it is bcs we can kill the bad ppl by ourself , nt need to follow the law anymore !!
sometimes, the world require a person who can balance it.
hw to balance :
if the policeman cant cathch up bad ppl
we sure have a ppl who can help the policeman to settled this problem
bad ppl only can cause the problem
nting much useful in this world
better kill it !!
anywere, me n bernie enjoy this movie very much, i can see bad ppl will have a bad n serious result in the end after they done wrong things ~~
me n bernie's datting today ..
my life !!
everyone nt trust me
especially her
always said me that , said me that
always call me
n ask me "where r u ", "wat r u doing ", "iz with ur BF nw?
n i always answered her " in college", "having class", "i dont have a BF nw "
everyday i just repeat this stupid answers until i felt $@%$
i know she cares about me, love me , hope me is good n safe everytime
but, i felt nt freedom n she has unhappy bcs i didnt go n see her everyday
i dont like ppl who control my life ...sometimes i wanan asked her "did i need to write a report for u everyday "??
but, since she is nt bad n she cares about me
so i cant said any bad about her
pengsan again ~~
after today's lunch >>> still okey....
after i go bak home>>> nothing...
after woke up from my cute bed>>> i realised inside of my stmoach have some wave sound appear...
very painful + vomit + keep-on lousai + etc!!
i am trying to thinking wat am i ate today
in the end, my conclusion only that MALAYA FOOD
always happen something after ate the MALAYA FOOD
i want to say, i didnt dislike o discrimination malay food
actually, i like it very much since i am stay here for 6 years n bcs it considered as cheap when i took a lot of foods n can satisified me when i eat chill type of foods
but ...
my body cant tahan i also dont know why!!
but, i am quite enjoy our lunch today
but, nw, i cant take delicious food as my dinner today ...i just sit beside of my father n look at the foods n if can, I really WANNA TO TRY MY FATHER'S FOOD
but, he said cannot bcs my body still nt feeling well
n, i have to cook the white white colour of porridage as my DINNER today
wu~~~my fahter's food looks soooo nice
hope , i can eat the delicious food with ms yeo tomalor
future ?!
taiwan boleh>>steven's underwear
to zach
i felt good n happy but ...
my aunty ask me
r u sure you can sell ur ecofirst mask RM 22 in market?
i dont think so..
this time i buy in bulk of mask from spa shop is bcs
cheap n useful !!
but i also felt paise !!
bcs nw i am selling the mask to everyone!! but i didnt support ecofirst one !!
i sona today
i steam today
this is my last month to do all these !!
n i wont continue to reniew my membership anymore!!
she is bad
she is nt good
she is nt friendly
she is fight with my .....
n my ....very angry with her
so both of us wont continue it !!
evern my ah ma also angry with her
i dont think she can do a good business
she loss all good of us
genting PART 2 !!
all of us decided to go n see geli animals !! i really scared n cant tahan !! especially the duck run out n fly beside of us...o my god!! SNACKs+ DUCKs + MONKEY+ MOUSEs+ SPIDERs + BIRDs + all those weired types of animal...(really nt feeling well, i get scared by animals)
i dont know why why why why (no one can answer me why like animals)
bernie can be so excited n keep-on to say animals r cute ?????!!!!!!!
i cant see where got cute animals!!
okey, i admit
only chickens n fishes r cute
the others?!
i just felt geli n geli n geli lor~~
1st class day...
after the class, i felt that is different!!
all lecture r different
especially the way of they teaching,
make me felt fresh
mr e..
funny n cute n manners, good teaching skill,
althought sometimes i may dont understand wat he talk about
i still repect of him
n somemore
i have a new name today
althought the sound nt so good
but i like it
the name is
"fuyo, young dao fu"
hahah, quite happy with his class
and another lecture
nt really bad la, but i think he doesnt like his job maybe
like no motivate one neh...
hope he can have more power when he lecturing us !!
my first day class...
cannot tahan
bcs long time dont have a class at afternoon one ....
afternoon class like when i study at DCA time !!
i scared the class after lunch
make me felt sleepiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggg~~~~~~~~
downloading ....
a COOL GEnting TRavel ^_^ !!
she started to high even we havent reach at genting (so cute neh, as sotone)^_^