2nd celebrate mooncake festival with my "jiu jiu" family

last saturday we all went to my jiu jiu's factory for BBQ, my ah ma has invited many people, such as whole company's member and all of us + some of my younger's aunty worker...the started time from 7 pm...then i saw my jiu jiu started to yum sing with his worker, n he cant drink much!! he is weak for alchole!!

this pic was taken by near the finsihing time

he is only care whether we can taken nice photo o nt

nt as my father, didnt realised we r talking photo to him

this is my younger jiu jiu was singing the song , u see!! he was so enjoy~~

me n my oldest aunty

" si ba po "was playing "den lon", so geli man !!

Q: "am i cute??" A: "nt really".....haahha

my geli jiu ma is acted cute and wanan to take photo with me , but I DONT WANT!!


these three is my younger cousin, they quite busy during the BBQ time

hey~happy hours~

pretty?! iz these three r girls ? they are so famous when my jiu jiu's worker (girls) see them!!

WE were BUSY BODY!! me, ah ma, aunty were talking which girls is more pretty!!haha~~

me and sami (actually, he is buys to eat but i forced him to take photo with me)

me and my younger sis (see her face !! she was very full ady)

yea~~i like the !!

can u see my "den lon" is HELLO KITTY pattern!!

my father and my oldest aunty enjoy the song that they sing !!

me n my younger jiu jiu, he looks more older bcs he refused to cut the hair!!

pa la pa la pa~~

busy busy!! dont take photo!! help, faster!!

i like this tree, pink pink "den lon"~~

hey, wait!! i havent get ready ~~

iz the BBQ looks more nicer than our face?!

er...jiu ma, i know u love me so much !! but nt need to huged me until like that la~~

can u see that?! that is "fish ball" above of my head !!

my jiu jiu, me and my sis!! he pattern is funny, rite?!

but actually my jiu jiu is very handsome when he is young!!

BBQ BBQ~~can u believe?! these all BBQ foods r all vegi one !!

prepared by my ah ma !!

most beautiful pic is cant see my face clear ~

my father still nt realised me n my sis was taking the phtot with him !!

B4 the BBQ, me and my all young cousins were playing Ps2~!

i like it~!

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